reality|realities in English


[re·al·i·ty || rɪ'ælətɪ]

state of being real; real thing or fact; actuality

Use "reality|realities" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "reality|realities" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "reality|realities", or refer to the context using the word "reality|realities" in the English Dictionary.

1. You must envisage realities.

2. Biphobia - Myths and Realities of Bisexuality

3. Another source is incongruity between economic realities.

4. He was lucidly aware of political realities.

5. Biblicist: So basically, two realities? Calvinist: Right

6. His grasp of international realities was masterly.

7. Reality is reality too.

8. Yet here again political realities asserted themselves.

9. Characteristics of Reality and Actuality: Nature: Reality: Reality is an experience

10. He cannot grasp the realities of the situation.

11. I hesitated, weighing and balancing the imponderable realities.

12. 14 She awoke to the realities of life.

13. " The hard realities of demography will take hold .

14. " he is simply the acceptable face of invading realities. "

15. (iii) regulation must take account of business realities; and

16. They may represent social, religious, political, economic, military realities.

17. Nothing in these commercials signifies geographical or cultural realities.

18. Ground realities , however , suggested it was n ' t true . "

19. The empirical realities to learn from would be cases.

20. Business realities will almost certainly collide with such sentiments.

21. Faith is “the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld.”

22. External reality and psychic reality are thus inextricably intertwined.

23. The 8 realities will shape the Arroyo administration's foreign policy.

24. Contact with realities indisposed him to any more idle speculations.

25. Tags: Animalistic, humanism, humanistic, life, life-and-living, passionate, reality, reality-expectation, reality-of-life, sex, sexuality